Where is the Advice & Support service located?


The students' union Advice & Support Service is located in the students’ union building in Bowland College.


What are the Advice & Support services opening hours?


The service is open Monday – Friday between the hours of 9am – 5pm every day (with the exception of University closure days).


How do I meet an advisor?

The students' union Advice & Support offer both a booked appointment and a drop-in service during our opening hours. Please note that appointment slots can be booked no later than 4:30pm.


We are also able to offer telephone and Skype appointments for those students unable to come into the students’ union building.


Can I meet with a specific advisor?


We cannot guarantee that you will always be able to meet with a specific advisor, in particular if you are using a drop-in session, however all of our advisers are professionally trained and will be able to deal with any issues you may have.


Will you tell anyone about my visit?


We are a confidential advice service so nothing you tell us will be shared with anyone outside the service without your permission. With your permission we will contact relevant organisations and individuals in order to assist you. We will not contact anyone you expressly ask us not to.


Confidentiality will only ever be set aside if it is perceived you pose a serious or immediate danger to yourself or to others.


What happens to the case notes taken during an advice appointment?


To manage cases and represent students effectively, we do keep information relating to clients on a secure case management system. This includes case notes, copies of correspondence and any other sources of information. The system can only be accessed by staff in our team. Case files remain the property of the service although clients can be given access and photocopies of their own case records on request. Records will be kept for six years after which time they will either be confidentially disposed of or anonymised to remove all personal data.